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Invited Presentations

[2024] Generalization and phonetic details in the representation, Invited talk at the Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, University of Missouri.


[2022] What underlies apparent word-specific phonetic details? Linguistics Department Colloquium, Stanford University.


[2021] The Effects of recording devices and software on phonetic analysis, Invited talk at the SOAS University of London Linguistics Webinars. (Collaborative work with Sarah Babinski, Roslyn Burns, Marisha Evans, Jeremy Johns, Juhyae Kim, Slater Smith, Natalie Weber, Claire Bowern.) [slides]


[2020] Dimensions of convergence, Invited talk at the NYU Phonetics & Experimental Phonology Lab.


[2020] Dimensions of convergence, Linguistics Department Colloquium, Yale University.


[2017] Effects of homophones and syllable structure in lexical processing, Invited talk at the UConn Phonology Group.

Conference Presentations

[upcoming] Sanker, C. Part of speech perception (The Western Conference on Linguistics, Fresno, California, November 2024)

Cohen Priva, U. and Sanker, C. Switchboard speakers' vowels' covary, but they do not converge (Phonetic Imitation Workshop, 19th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, Seoul, South Korea, June 2024)

Stokes, C., Sanker, C., Cogley, B., and Setlur, V. From delays to densities: Exploring data uncertainty through speech, text, and visualization. (EuroVis 2024, Odense, Denmark, May 2024)

Stokes, C., Sanker, C., Cogley, B., and Setlur, V. Mixing modes: Active and passive integration of speech, text, and visualization for communicating data uncertainty. (EuroVis 2024, Odense, Denmark, May 2024)


Sanker, C. Effects of vowel duration and lexical frequency in perceptual word identification (California Meeting on Psycholinguistics, Stanford, California, January 2024) .[poster]


Sanker, C. Acoustic characteristics of speech error repairs (The Western Conference on Linguistics, Fresno, California, November 2023). [talk]


Sanker, C. The Influence of Lexical Frequency, Phonotactic Probability, and Neighborhood Density on Word Identification (45th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, July 2023). [poster]


Sanker, C. Perceptual discrimination of proper names and homophonous common nouns (Western Conference on Linguistics, Fresno, California, November 2022). [talk]

Sanker, C. Word-specific convergence and effects of repeated exposure (Annual Meeting on Phonology, Los Angeles, California, October 2022). [poster]


Sanker, C. Normalized formant values are generalized across talkers (Conference on Laboratory Phonology, Virtual, June 2022). [poster]

Sanker, C. What do headphone checks gain us? (Manchester Phonology Meeting, May 2022). [poster]


Sanker, C. Dialect-specific phonological features shape perceptual generalization (Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Washington DC, January 2022). [talk]


Sanker, C. Frequency-predicted shifts don't require word-specific phonetic details (Symposium on Historical Phonology, Edinburgh, Scotland, December 2021). [talk]


Sanker, C. Comparison of coda voicing effects on perceived vowel duration (Annual Meeting on Phonology, Toronto, Ontario, October 2021). [poster]

Sanker, C. Perceptual learning in vowel systems (Phonetics and Phonology in Europe, Barcelona, Spain, June 2021). [poster]


Sanker, C. Homophone discrimination based on speaker-specific learning.  Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Virtual, January 2021. [talk]


Sanker, C. Vowel systems in convergence. International Seminar on Speech Production, Providence, Rhode Island, December 2020. [poster]


Sanker, C. Convergence doesn't show lexically-specific phonetic detail. Annual Meeting on Phonology, Santa Cruz, California, September 2020. [poster]


Sanker, C. and Karlin, R. Perceptual evidence for the representation of English coda voicing. Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 2020. [talk]


Sanker, C. Lexical ambiguity and acoustic distance in discrimination. Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 2020. [poster]


Sanker, C. Behavior of homophones does not support irregular phonological change. Meaning in Flux, New Haven, Connecticut, October 2019. [talk]


AnderBois, S., Emlen, N., Lucitante, H., Sanker, C., and Silva, W. Investigating Linguistic Links between the Amazon and the Andes: The case of A'ingae. Conference on Indigenous Languages of Latin America IX (CILLA), Austin, Texas, October 2019. [talk]


Sanker, C. Effects of coda voicing on vowel phonation. International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia, August 2019. [poster]


Sanker, C. Effects of coda laryngeal features and stimulus language on perceived vowel duration. Phonetics and Phonology in Europe, Lecce, Italy, June 2019. [talk]


Sanker, C. Perceptual cues to coda voicing contrasts. Manchester Phonology Meeting, May 2019. [poster]


AnderBois, S. and Sanker, C. Reconstruction of A'ingae prenasalized stops. Third Symposium on Amazonian Languages, Berkeley, CA, March 2019. [talk]


Sanker, C. F0 effects on perceived vowel duration. Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, New York City, NY, January 2019. [poster]


Cohen Priva, U. and Sanker, C. Convergence is predicted by particular interlocutors and interactions, not speakers. Workshop on Accommodation in Speech Communication, Zurich, Switzerland, December 2018. [talk]


Sanker, C., Silva, W., Lucitante, H., and AnderBois, S. Falsetto in A'ingae (Cofán). 3rd Sound Systems of Latin America, Amherst, Massachusetts, October 2018. [talk]


Sanker, C. Effects of following voicing on perceived vowel duration. Annual Meeting on Phonology, San Diego, California, July 2018. [poster]


Cohen Priva, U. and Sanker, C. Distinct behaviors in convergence across measures. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, Madison, Wisconsin, July 2018. [poster]


Sanker, C. Laurel vs. Yanny: Formants behaving badly. Manchester Phonology Meeting, May 2018. [poster]


Sanker, C. Characterizing contrasts: Features vs. acoustic distance. Manchester Phonology Meeting, May 2018. [poster]


Sanker, C. Homophones, lexical retrieval, and sensitivity to detail. Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Salt Lake City, Utah, January 2018. [talk]


Yang, S., Sanker, C., and Cohen Priva, U. The organization of lexicons: A cross-linguistic analysis of monosyllabic words. Society for Computation in Linguistics, Salt Lake City, Utah, January 2018. [poster]


Sanker, C. Effects of stop laryngeal features on duration of preceding vowels: Implications for Winter's Law. Symposium on Historical Phonology, Edinburgh, Scotland, November-December 2017, Satellite Workshop: LaryngFringe. [talk]


Zhang, H., Gutman, R., Lucitante, H., Repetti-Ludlow, C., AnderBois, S., and Sanker, C. A phonetic sketch of A'ingae (Cofán). Conference on Indigenous Languages of Latin America VIII (CILLA), Austin, Texas, October 2017. [talk]


Sanker, C. Experimental evidence for diachronic change. International Conference on Historical Linguistics, San Antonio, Texas, July-August 2017. [talk]


Sanker, C. Lexical retrieval and effects of homophones. Phonetics and Phonology in Europe, Cologne, Germany, June 2017. [poster]


Sanker, C. Linking phonetic convergence and sound change. International Workshop on Sound Change, Edinburgh, Scotland, April 2017. [talk]


Sanker, C. When phonology is algebra: Solving problems with interacting processes. North American Phonology Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 2016, Pedagogy Workshop. [talk]


Sanker, C. Individual tendencies for phonetic convergence. North American Phonology Conference, Montreal, Canada, May 2016. [poster]


Sanker, C. An analysis of Semitic Uvular-Pharyngeal correspondences: Inter-dialectal borrowing in Akkadian. American Oriental Society, Boston, MA, March 2016. [talk]


Sanker, C. Patterns of heritage speakers' perception of Arabic consonants. Old World Conference in Phonology, Budapest, Hungary, January 2016. [talk]


Sanker, C. Phonetic features of the PIE 'laryngeals': Evidence from misperception data of modern gutturals. UCLA Indo-European Conference, October 23-24 2015, Los Angeles, California. [talk]


Sanker, C. Phonetic convergence in multiple features. Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, May 18-22 2015, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. [poster]


Sanker, C. Patterns of misperception of Arabic consonants. Berkeley Linguistics Society, February 7-8 2015, Berkeley, California. [talk]


Sanker, C. Patterns of misperception of Arabic consonants. Mellon Humanities Corridor Workshop in Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics, December 6-7 2014, Syracuse, New York. [talk[


Sanker, C. Hurrian meter in the BoÄŸazköy Parables. American Oriental Society, March 14-17 2014, Phoenix, Arizona. [talk]


© 2019 by Chelsea Sanker.

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